Category Archives: Blogroll

Link Love

I love the wonderful way that I tend to discover new online voices — an intriguing post on one of my current RSS feeds sends me to a new blog, where I spend hours sifting through amazing new thoughts… then a click on a comment opens my world into another new direction… and suddenly my RSS folder is three times larger and I’m taking in entirely new brain-and-heart ecosystem.

In this case, my new reading has been both humbling and awe-inspiring. Despite having read and loved sites like Racialicious, Angry Asian Man, Kimchi Mamas, and Rice Daddies for several years now, in the past month, I realized that my regular blog-roll was blindingly white. I also realized that my perspective on, oh, pretty much everything was suffering for that homogeneity. Embarrassing, for sure, but it has been wonderfully fun and engaging to change my blog reading habits.

So today, I want to give some major link love to the new-to-me (mostly women) bloggers I’m enjoying: (alpha by site name, with their short bios)

The Angry Black Woman (which is actually a group blog of three women)
“Politics, Race, Gender, Sexuality, Anger”
***I cannot speak highly enough of their “Required Reading” page. Go there now.***

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Filed under Beauty in a Wicked World, Blogroll, Race, Writing

Dear Unknown Yoga Friend

For over a year now we both arrive at U.’s class around 9:25 (we’re not the late ones, though I admit, sometimes, I am late). We lay out our mats and roll up our towels and sit on them, the way we’ve been taught. We close our eyes and rest our hands on our knees. U. tells us to chant om and we chant om.

Sometimes I imagine what your life must be like. You never wear make-up and have soft blonde hair—not the dyed kind, but the Swedish kind. You look comfortable in your body, strong, peaceful. Sometimes I fantasize that you are also a writer. That you also go home with your canvas bag and yoga mat and then sit in front of the computer and stare at a blank screen. That you also wonder if I am a writer. We live in Brooklyn, after all. That’s where all the writers live.

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Filed under Blogroll, Generation Overwhelmed

Five Blogs That Make Us Think

About a month ago, Crucial Minutiae was given the Thinking Blogger Award by The Hathor Legacy: The Search for Good Female Characters.

Thinking Blogger AwardThe award comes with these guidelines:

1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think,

2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme,

3. Optional: Proudly display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ with a link to the post that you wrote.

We’ve gathered this list of our faves, so, without further ado, we officially pass on the Thinking Blogger Award to these five blogs (in no particular order):

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Filed under Blogroll, Writing